weitere Veranstaltungen, Leistungselektronik-Kolloquium

ONLINE | Cluster-Vortragsreihe Fraunhofer IISB: 'YESvGaN - power module, application, and demonstrators'

Datum: 09/12/2024

Ort: Erlangen, Deutschland

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ONLINE | Cluster-Vortragsreihe Fraunhofer IISB: 'YESvGaN - power module, application, and demonstrators'

Leistungselektronik-Kolloquium in Kooperation mit dem Cluster Leistungselektronik

Das Kolloquim findet als ONLINE Veranstaltung statt.

Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei und offen für alle Interessierten.
Eine Voranmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.

Online: via MS TEAMS 

Beginn: 17:15 Uhr

 Am MS-TEAMS Meeting teilnehmen

Rechtliche Hinweise

YESvGaN - power module, application, and demonstrators

The establishment of a new class of vertical GaN-on-foreign substrates (vGaN) power transistors which combines the performance benefits of vertical wide bandgap transistors with the cost advantages of established silicon technology is the focus of the YESvGaN project. The focus of this colloquium is on the application of the YESvGaN power module and system demonstrators. 

  • "YESvGaN - Project overview and conclusion"
    The presentation provides a project overview outlining the objectives, methods, and results of the YESvGaN project. Special focus will be given on the development of epitaxy and chip technology for vertical GaN membrane transistors. The lessons learned include important insights gained from the challenges and successes of the project in order to optimize future projects. 

  • "vGaN ready power module with integrated gate driver stage"
    Power modules require extremely low parasitic elements in the gate drive area. IISB developed in the YESvGaN project a vGaN-capable power module in which the gate driver is integrated directly onto the substrate in order to optimally connect the driver to the gate.

  • "Application of the power module in SiCtech Applications"
    Bidirectional DC/DC converters for EV battery chargers and induction heating inverters are potential areas of application for the YESvGaN half-bridge power module. The characterization of the module with SiC in terms of efficiency and performance is the basis for the design of these systems as well as future developments in the field of efficient power electronic systems.

Join us to explore the contributions of the YESvGaN project to the advancement of wide bandgap technologies!

Christian Huber, Robert Bosch GmbH, Renningen, Germany
Enrique Dede, SiCtech Induction, Valencia, Spain
Anne Sacher, Fraunhofer IISB, Erlangen, Germany

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weitere Veranstaltungen, Leistungselektronik-Kolloquium

ONLINE | Cluster-Vortragsreihe Fraunhofer IISB: 'YESvGaN - power module, application, and demonstrators'

Datum: 09/12/2024

Ort: Erlangen, Deutschland

Cluster Leistungselektronik im ECPE e.V.
Ostendstraße 181
D-90482 Nürnberg, Deutschland
Telefon: +49 (0)911 81 02 88-0

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