Cluster Power Electronics
in Bavaria

The Bavarian Cluster Power Electronics within the ECPE e.V. organizes specialist events, initiates and accompanies cooperation and research projects, sponsors joint trade fair participation, and executes qualification measures, as well as recruitment measures for secondary education students, teachers, and university students.

Please refer to the respective tabs for details.


Dr.-Ing. Bernd Bitterlich
Cluster Leistungselektronik im ECPE e.V.

Working in Bavaria

You are interested in studying, training or working in Germany?

Then you are more than welcome!

German companies, especially those in the field of power electronics, urgently need qualified people.

For skilled professionals the official website of the Federal Government provides a lot of relevant information:

Sometimes it can be difficult to get Your professional qualification recognized. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research explains the procedure:

The Bavarian Employers’ Associations for the Metalworking and Electrical Industries (bayme vbm) offers to spread Your application to more than 2900 companies. Just fill in the online form - for free, of course:

There are plenty of attractive places to study in Bavaria. A good overview can be found at:

Many universities in Bavaria offer special services to help foreign students to secure accommodation before you arrive. For example:

FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nuremberg:

Technical University of Munich:

Coming to Germany from the United Kingdom and confused by Brexit, Residency and Healthcare/Corona?

Here you will find advice for a wide range of important issues:

How to avoid annoying German friends and neighbours? Here You will find important hints  - written for US citizens but of course interesting for all other people, as well - worthwhile to read even for Germans :-)

You could not find answers to all of Your questions?
You do not know any companies to contact for finding a place for a training?
Then do not hesitate to contact us: Contacts


Cluster Leistungselektronik im ECPE e.V.
Ostendstraße 181
D-90482 Nürnberg, Deutschland
Telefon: +49 (0)911 81 02 88-0

Informationen zu Veranstaltungen

© 2019 Cluster Leistungselektronik im ECPE e.V.
